Tuesday, July 10, 2007

California Dreamin".

I cannot reiterate enough the importance of a temperate climate. Everybody is considerably less irritable/tired/unhappy/smelly in California. It has been "oppressively hot" in LA over the last few days often tipping the thermometer at nearly 90 degrees. I saw a small man burst into flames in Ventura. Luckily what feels like an ocean breeze distinguishes Cali from the sweaty jungles of Vietnam.

            We are heading south on the 405 to interview a vice president of something involving building and whatnot. Not quite my cup of tea, but hey, maybe there will be A/C so we don't die of exposure to the harsh elements. We interviewed an epidemiologist over sushi in Long Beach. She studies the diseases contracted by overly passionate people, if you consider prostitutes and sex addicts passionate people.


            Brett has somehow acquired press passes for the Long Beach Summer Pro League which is populated by the NBA equivilent of St. Gregory basketball players. If that comparison doesn't work for you, think about four basketball fans combing the entire roster, finding only three recognizable names, then realizing they are only recognizable for either tragedy, disaster or treachery (see: Ndudu Ebi[sic]).


            First Class Project show of the tour went well. Special guests included the Browns (Tamera, Ed and Noah), my PA from KAMP radio (Kendall), and Seth's friend Vince, who wins the prize because he drove from Santa Barbara ten minutes after finding out about the show. As the winner he will receive a collection of cups from the delicious Subway chain of sandwich shoppes, which we will collect around this fine land of ours.


            We were on FOX 13 news last night at 11:30. We were supposed to be on FOX's 10:00 news, but got bumped because of a four foot alligator in a swimming pool. There is not really a lot to say about that. Bumped for the gator. When we finally aired, the piece took odd notice of Jay and I and including a 10 second snippet of me rapping into the camera. If it hadn't of been on FOX I possibly could have felt some semblance of pride. As it stands, I think I might get a Christmas card from Bill O'Reilly and for that, I feel sick to my stomach.


            In case anyone without my DNA/email address reads this, send us some email. We are receiving a lot of email and it is not coming from the places I want it to. Criticize, compliment, complain, curse, whatever. Each of us have email accounts NAME@pursuethepassion.com. (Noah, James, Brett, Zach). If there is anything you would like to know, ask. We have lots of time to do such things. Anyone hot in Tucson? Buenos Aires had there first snow storm in 80 years yesterday, so head on down and enjoy some climate change.




Auntie Em, Auntie Em said...

Well....at least you weren't bumped for

Auntie Em, Auntie Em said...

...I got cut off.....At least you weren't bumped by Bill O'Reilly. Your grandparents have gotten Christmas cards from the Bushes for years...they haven't a clue how they got on that list.

Is there a clip of the interview that is available to Moms and the like?

(I guess my google account is for other bloggers....i.e. Bitty)

Auntie Em, Auntie Em.....aka Mom