Saturday, July 7, 2007

See Below.

The following is a list of possible titles for this BLOG entry:

Passion Aggressive

The Heat of Passion

Passion Flailing

Captain Sprinklepant's Funboat to Hell

RV There Yet?

119 Degrees and Climbing

We Got Ants

We're Lost

10 Reasons to Love Google Maps

Please Sir, May I Have Another


            I have hesitated to write a BLOG as the first few days of the trip were somewhere between miserable and disastrous. I have, however, pegged my personal definition of the word passion: Passion (n):Fickle emotional mistress lying somewhere between lust and rage; i.e. Hercules killed his entire family in a fit of passion. How do you define passion?


            Phoenix is not the worst city in the world, as to be the worst city in the world it would have to be in Texas, but it's pretty close. We interviewed the owner of a company called Fairytale Brownies. Seriously, that was the highlight of 72 hours in Phoenix. The brownies were delicious.


            We thought we had left the heat in Phoenix but it caught up with us just before San Diego. Jay's car, which we are returning to Thousand Oaks/his mother, said it was 119 degrees whilst overheating. Close your eyes for a moment and imaging 119 outside and the heat blasting inside. Hell on wheels.


            Mission Beach 4th of July was tame. Poverty is an incredible motivator for clean and sober living. We met some college buddies for dinner, watched some fireworks, and went to sleep in the back of the RV. We awoke with ants. Everywhere. One Sea World trip and a few cans of Raid later, the ants appear to have ceded the back of the RV, but are mounting a counter-attack/insurgency in the pantry zone. I will update this a dispatches from the front line reach me at HQ.


            The group dynamic is interesting. Lots of passive aggressive behavior and use of the "royal we," a favorite of a certain (grand)maternal Arizona Inn alumni. I spend a lot of time with headphones on. Zach and Brett have been great about driving. We almost got hit by a train, but otherwise, we've been golden. The lock on the RV door ceased to function thirty minutes into the trip, which we saw as an issue, but was outdone by the door refusing to open outside of an interview. Imagine four boys piling out of a RV through the window ten feet up the side. With all of my mechanical expertise both problems were resolved, plus I created the evidence for some future insurance fraud. So we got that going for us, which is nice.


            Zach, Jay and I saw the Padres get shellacked by the Braves last night. Jay's father's good friend Rick took us out before, during, and after the game. It was a long night. We stayed at dan's uncle's beach house/mansion in La Jolla. Note the double possessives in the last few sentences. Sleeping in a bed was amazing, and furthermore the lack of ant really iced the cake.


            Jay and I are currently driving on the 5N to LA on the way to Ventura for a show tonight. 77 degrees and overcast on the way to a high of 83. Besides the nauseous attitude of the southern Californian, this place is like heaven. All due respect to the Rosenberg family, but you really picked a hot place for all of us to live. Besides the heat, I miss Tucson and all of its people I love.



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