Friday, September 14, 2007

Big Cities, Little Girls.

I want New York and California to have a battle between emaciated women who can barely support their own paltry body weight. The New Yorkers would definitely win, due to their ability to survive the cold winters in the gritty City. I just don't think LA, a possible future home of mine, has the necessary intensity.


I went to a play with Phillip and the Gallos. It was nice to be back on Broadway. Phil scored Spelling Bee tickets for the PTP boys for the Saturday matinee. I think it is right about the level of maturity necessary for the group. And it's short, so attention span, not our forte, shouldn't be a problem.


I find this city to be more appealing all the time. There is something about the anonymity offered by huge metropolitan messes that speaks to me. I saw a man with a pretty serious head wound walking down the street yesterday, and very few eyes found their way to the wound. But that would imply that New Yorkers are rude, which they are not. They just don't care about you until you make them. Everyone from whom I have asked directions obliges sincerely. They want to prove what they know.


I feel as though I haven't interviewed anyone in a while, which is strange. But the trip is alive and well, as our its cast of characters. I have been charged with giving a 50-minute presentation to an entrepreneurship class at the University of Delaware. I never really thought Delaware was a real place, but it apparently has a University and everything. 

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